Medical Malpractice Lawyer in Pittston, PA
Seeing a doctor, nurse, or other medical professional should be an encouraging experience. You are there to take care of a problem and get well.
These visits should not leave you desperately hoping that you won’t get injured by someone you’re supposed to trust inherently. If something does go wrong in your treatment, and you think the professional made a mistake, you owe it to yourself to get a good lawyer who can help you to secure compensation.
When you need a reliable medical malpractice lawyer in Pittston, PA, Selingo Guagliardo wants to be there to lend a hand.
How to Recognize Medical Negligence and Malpractice
If a doctor or other healthcare provider injured you, you probably won’t be able to get to the bottom of things before you understand what went wrong. That’s why we want to provide you with some basic medical malpractice terminology and examples.
You may have heard the terms “medical negligence” and “medical malpractice” used around each other or even interchangeably. The difference probably makes little difference to victims who have been hurt. This is really about the intention of the provider and how the action or inaction affects your case.
The most straightforward explanation is that medical malpractice is a kind of negligence, but not all negligence is malpractice.
Medical negligence occurs when the provider fails to do something that his or her peers would have done and that injured the patient.
One example is when a doctor fails to examine a patient’s laboratory results and misses a diagnosis. We call this negligence because the doctor may not have intended for this to happen, but it remains a serious error that can harm the patient.
Meanwhile, medical malpractice can involve nonfeasance (doing nothing) as well as malfeasance (doing something incorrectly). For that reason, malpractice examples can include anything from a doctor failing to examine a patient’s medical history to that same doctor misdiagnosing a disease.
As medical malpractice lawyers, we look at the intention of the provider to determine what happened and how we can help victims get past this.
Call Us when You Need a Medical Malpractice Lawyer in Pittston, PA
A Selingo Guagliardo, we have decades of personal injury law experience that we enjoy putting to work for you.
If you’ve been injured by a doctor, we’d like to hear from you. It’s your right to seek damages for your injuries and medical expenses. We can help. We’ll look at your case and find out what happened.
Then, we can partner with you to claim the compensation you need to go forward with your life and leave this period behind. We will handle the details so you can focus on recovering.
Call Selingo Guagliardo today for a free case evaluation.