Medical Malpractice Lawyer in Clarks Summit, PA
In U.S. law, medical malpractice is defined as any act or ongoing conduct by a healthcare professional that does not meet established standards of professional competence and that results in provable damages to a patient.
But what does that mean, exactly? At Selingo Guagliardo, we know how vague and confusing legal definitions can seem, especially for anyone who isn’t an experienced medical malpractice lawyer themselves. That’s why we’re happy to put our medical malpractice lawyers to work for you.
The personal injury attorneys at Selingo Guagliardo can help patients and their loved ones determine if they have been the victim of malpractice and, if so, what they can do to get the compensation they deserve. If you’re looking for a medical malpractice lawyer in Clarks Summit, PA, Selingo Guagliardo is by your side.
Medical Malpractice: What It Is and What It Isn’t
Malpractice is…
…when a hospital or healthcare professional acts negligently. This negligence can manifest in a number of ways. A doctor may not take a patient’s concerns seriously and fail to diagnose a serious illness, or may miss important details and diagnose their patient incorrectly. A surgeon may perform a procedure incorrectly, or the anesthesiologist could give the patient an insufficient dosage. Medical professionals who fail to provide adequate information about the risks of a procedure can also be found guilty of malpractice, as well as those who prescribe medication to a patient without considering drug interactions, allergies, or addiction potential.
…when a hospital or healthcare professional acts recklessly. Less common than acts of negligence, acts of medical recklessness occur when those involved in the patient’s treatment act, or fail to act, without regard for the patient’s safety. Examples of this kind of behavior include surgeons carrying out procedures while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, doctors ordering treatments that are unnecessary and dangerous, and healthcare professionals administering doses of medicine deemed excessive for the patient’s condition.
Malpractice is not…
…when a patient’s condition cannot be treated. Patients and their loved ones are likely to feel frustrated and even wronged should a healthcare professional inform them that a condition is untreatable or terminal. While this can count as malpractice if it is found that the patient was misdiagnosed or that the doctor overlooked existing treatment options, if it is determined that a patient’s death is unavoidable and that their physician acted appropriately during treatment, claims of malpractice do not apply.
…when a patient’s condition gets worse. A healthcare professional acting carelessly can certainly result in the exacerbation of a patient’s illness or injury, but that doesn’t mean a physician is always to blame. Not all conditions are curable or even treatable, and even treatments with proven track records do not work 100% of the time for all patients. Some injuries are more precarious than others, and some illnesses are more resistant to treatment. If it is found that the healthcare professional provided adequate treatment and performed to the best of their abilities, they cannot be found guilty of malpractice.
Get Help from a Clarks Summit Medical Malpractice Lawyer
Medical malpractice can result in serious consequences, including death. If you or a loved one has suffered due to a healthcare professional acting recklessly or negligently, you shouldn’t be stuck dealing with those consequences alone.
When you need medical malpractice lawyers in Clarks Summit, PA, Selingo Guagliardo wants to help you heal and go forward with your life.
Call us today for a free consultation.