Dispute an Insurance Claim in Scranton, PA
You expect insurance companies to work on a give-and-take basis: you pay your premiums year after year, comfortable that you are secured against emergencies and accidents.
Most of the time, peace of mind is all you get in return.
When an unfortunate event does happen to you, you assume your provider will do its part and pay what it owes you based on your policy.
But sometimes, that doesn’t happen.
If your insurance company is giving you a hard time paying your accident or personal injury claim, you need to find a good insurance lawyer in Scranton, PA, who will stand by your side.
Selingo Guagliardo can help you to dispute an insurance claim in Scranton, PA, if you’re having trouble on your own. Once you are rightfully compensated, you can go forward with your life and leave this period behind.
How Do Insurance Disputes Arise?
If you have always had good experiences with your insurance providers, you might be surprised to learn that insurance disputes do happen with some frequency.
It’s important to remember that insurance companies, even though they are supposed to be there to help when you need them, are for-profit businesses. That means they are essentially obliged to hold onto as much money as they can.
When tragedy strikes, such as in the case of a car accident, and someone files a claim, the insurance company rigorously checks to make sure the claimant actually deserves a payout. Sometimes, the provider can get overzealous and deny a claim based on “evidence” it thinks it has against the claimant.
The result of this can be anything from a lowball payment to a complete claim denial.
Whatever the case, you know it’s just not right to receive anything other than a full payment based on your policy. Our Scranton insurance claim lawyers can help you get proper compensation.
We Can Help You Dispute an Insurance Claim in Scranton, PA
At Selingo Guagliardo, we see ourselves as advocates of the public. We always want to be there when you need help claiming what is rightfully yours.
That’s why we have committed ourselves to being your partner when you need insurance money to pay the cost of your medical care or vehicle repair.
When you come to us with this problem, we’ll listen to your story and get all the hard facts. Then, we’ll inspect your insurance policy and see what the details say in relation to your accident. We might also contact your insurance company at this time to see how your claim is coming.
If our insurance lawyers in Scranton, PA, determine that a provider has denied your claim unjustly, we will file suit to get you the money you need to recover. We will do everything in our power to help you go forward and heal.
Get Help From the Best Insurance Lawyers in Scranton, PA
At Selingo Guagliardo, we understand it can be scary to argue with an insurance company. You might assume whatever they decide is final. But if you think the insurer is acting in bad faith and owes you a policy payout, let us know.
You don’t have to do this alone. Our Scranton insurance lawyers are happy to stand by your side and help you recover and go forward to reclaim your life.
Contact us today if you need to dispute an insurance claim in Scranton, PA.