Car Accident Lawyers in Corning, NY

 Car accidents are an often tragic event that can hurt you physically and financially. In order to make sure your damages are kept to a minimum, you need to get yourself a good lawyer.

In addition to the aforementioned circumstances that can come along with a car crash, you may also find yourself in a precarious mental state. The full effects of the car crash may not be immediately clear, but they might begin to grow in the weeks and months ahead. You need to make every effort you can to identify these troubles and find a way to ease them.

Finding a good car accident lawyer in Corning, NY, is the right path to take following a car accident. Selingo Guagliardo can be your guide through the legal process and can help you get your life back on track. Give us a call if you have recently been the victim of another driver’s negligence.

Common Causes of Car Accidents

Car accidents can be complicated to predict as a driver, but you should try your best to avoid dangerous behaviors that put you, your passengers and your property at risk. Selingo Guagliardo is prepared to help you out of a bind when a car crash happens. Here are four of the most common causes of car accidents:

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is exactly what it sounds like, but you might be distracted for any number of reasons. From texting to rubbernecking, there are a bunch of distractions that can take you away from driving for a dangerous amount of time. Stay focused behind the wheel.


Speeding is extremely common, but that does not mean it is safe. Driving way over the speed limit means you have less time to react to obstacles on the road. Try to stay as close to the speed limit as you can in order to protect yourself from any changes that might happen in front of you.

Driving Under the Influence

Driving under the influence of alcohol or other substances is widely-known as something to avoid, but it still happens. You need your judgment to be optimal when you are driving, so substances that will negatively impact or slow down your judgment should be avoided if you are expecting to drive.

Reckless Driving

Reckless driving is the larger umbrella term under which speeding and driving under the influence are under. That being said, any purposeful or accidental disobedience of traffic laws could also be classified as reckless driving. Whenever possible, strictly adhere to traffic laws and avoid reckless driving.

A smashed windshield is shown after a car crash.

Our Car Accident Attorneys in Corning, NY, Will Work For You

Selingo Guagliardo’s car accident attorneys in Corning, NY, can help you claim a number of different damages. These damages include

  • Pain and suffering (past and future)

  • Medical expenses (past, present, and future)

  • Lost wages

  • Loss of enjoyment of life and/or emotional distress

  • Loss of future earning capacity

Our Car Accident Lawyers in Corning, NY, Will Be At Your Side

Our car accident lawyers in Corning, NY, are committed to helping you through the legal process and seeing that you are properly compensated.

If, in the recovery process, you run into an insurance coverage dispute, the lawyers at Selingo Guagliardo can help you out. Give us a call for your legal needs and let us help you get back what you deserve.